Words Stop Time

Spoken words, good or bad, have the potential to stop time around a person, causing them to live in that moment repeatedly in their mind. When the words are good words a healthy individual arises, when they are bad, then pain, fear, anger are the result leaving the person damaged in their wake.

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Perhaps this is the reason why humans (the social beings that we are) idealize the good times of the past and misremember the bad times. Interestingly one bad word can destroy many years’ worth of good words. The primary reason for this lies within our minds that are tied to our emotions, values, ethics, morals, preconceptions, and expectations. Our minds link us to one another therefore they attach us to the one saying the bad words. 

Everyone can remember the praise of a parent one moment and then mere minutes later being labelled with the name STUPID, or IDIOT, or WIMP, or some other word most foul and distasteful “you fill in the blank”  as only your experience and mind can do, and is doing now. Therefore, from this we now know and can acknowledge as real that the word spoken to us can have a lasting impact on who we become and on what we do and say.

If it is not acceptable for us to hear certain words, then it takes a great deal of pride and / or denial for us to believe that our words do not do the same to others. Perhaps more importantly, our words could be the harm we do to our significant others, children, parents, friends, or anyone we meet ion the course of our lives’. 

The remedy for this is to think first, then act, make every effort not to react as that comes from a place of selfishness. We should all consider our words carefully, and if needed say nothing. Be honest with the other people. If necessary step away for a moment, say why you are stepping away, then think through your response. The process of walking way allows you and them a moment to cool off, collect your thoughts, and regain your composure.

About Dr. Shaun

“Who am I?” so please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Shaun Sullivan, and, as mentioned previously, I hold a PhD in organizational leadership.

It’s great to meet you! I am somewhat experienced at what it means to love and to lead, as well as to be a person who loves leadership, loves leaders, and teaches them how to lead from a place of love.

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Why buy my book?

Get the tools to overcome leadership challenges.

This book helps to remove the fear of misunderstanding when one expresses love in a corporate environment by teaching them to do this through their actions toward those they lead, by elevating those led to a place of honor and prominence.

Treating them with more care and concern than is normally encountered in the corporate world of today. Put aside your concerns of appropriate behavior and do a deep dive into how to change your mindset on leading from a place of love.

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