Pandemic Thoughts

How do we respond to the statement: “I just want to lead through a pandemic”? Leading through a pandemic is not really possible until one first loves as the only way through a pandemic is with love.

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“I just want to lead through a pandemic”?

How do we respond to the statement: “I just want to lead through a pandemic”? 

Leading through a pandemic is not really possible until one first loves as the only way through a pandemic is with love. 

Perhaps what this pandemic is showing our us is that our people, whoever they are, are people who need more love. They need leadership that loves more than leadership that directs or redirects. They need to know that you are there for them, more importantly that you genuinely care, that you are real. Certainly, the bottom line is important, but they are more important than the bottom line. 

Perhaps an aspect of the pandemic on society is not so much about getting things done quickly, but it is about ensuring that the people who get them done are safe, secure, and know that they are valued. 

Perhaps it’s not so much about being a leader as it is about being a person who loves and out of that space of love they lead. 

Perhaps it’s time for corporate America to look at the concept of love and a concept of leadership and embrace both.

Love defined is the: “passionate desire and congruent action for the biological, psychological, and philosophical elevation of another human being”.

Stay Tuned here and elsewhere on the Internet for the release of my book Head for Leading / Heart for Loving: Leveraging Influence, Compassion, and Relationships to Achieve your Organizational Goals.

About Dr. Shaun

“Who am I?” so please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Shaun Sullivan, and, as mentioned previously, I hold a PhD in organizational leadership.

It’s great to meet you! I am somewhat experienced at what it means to love and to lead, as well as to be a person who loves leadership, loves leaders, and teaches them how to lead from a place of love.

Read about me

Why buy my book?

Get the tools to overcome leadership challenges.

This book helps to remove the fear of misunderstanding when one expresses love in a corporate environment by teaching them to do this through their actions toward those they lead, by elevating those led to a place of honor and prominence.

Treating them with more care and concern than is normally encountered in the corporate world of today. Put aside your concerns of appropriate behavior and do a deep dive into how to change your mindset on leading from a place of love.

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