Words Communicate Intention

If you say, you will do something, then do it.

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When we do not support our words with our actions, we are hypocritical and to our loved ones this is the most incongruous thing we could do, say one thing and do another or not do what we say. It may not have a detrimental result at first but over time you will become known as one who was like the little boy in the Aesop fable “The Boy who cried wolf”Eventually people will doubt everything your say, especially when it comes to making a commitment, since you have repeatedly proven you promise but never deliver.

Remember, you (and only you) are responsible for the words that proceed from your mouth. If you want to be known for your loyalty, commitment, love, and integrity; then be honorable and do those things you commit to doing even if it hurts or makes you look bad. This is not to say that you should be ashamed if you are and have done this up to this point, it is never too late to change.

I believe the social hope that we get from stories like Aesop’s Fables, or the Beatitudes are all there to guide us on the road to a better version of ourselves. Ideally it should only take one time of suffering the losses associated with not being true to our words to teach us how much better it is to be consistent in speech and action. Bearing a bit of my soul here, but this is still an area that I struggle with from time to time, as often I do not want to do something I have committed to doing and will try to wriggle out of it, fortunately my wife is there to gently remind me of who I want to be, which is a person of integrity and truth speaking.

Additionally, this detail alone has caused me to watch what I say and to think hard before I speak. I am confident it will do the same for you. By doing this you make yourself a person people trust, because you are true to your words and fulfill your commitments, all of your commitments. So together let us commit to being those who are counted on for keeping their word when the initially commit to doing or saying something. Remember, be intentional about the words you speak.

About Dr. Shaun

“Who am I?” so please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Shaun Sullivan, and, as mentioned previously, I hold a PhD in organizational leadership.

It’s great to meet you! I am somewhat experienced at what it means to love and to lead, as well as to be a person who loves leadership, loves leaders, and teaches them how to lead from a place of love.

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Why buy my book?

Get the tools to overcome leadership challenges.

This book helps to remove the fear of misunderstanding when one expresses love in a corporate environment by teaching them to do this through their actions toward those they lead, by elevating those led to a place of honor and prominence.

Treating them with more care and concern than is normally encountered in the corporate world of today. Put aside your concerns of appropriate behavior and do a deep dive into how to change your mindset on leading from a place of love.

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